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We are planning for dynamic expansion in our business operations spread out globlay.
We are hiring new Technicalities and Expertiese to support our work force diversity.
Tel: +965-2227-9402
Fax : +965-2227-9403
Email: sales@remaseast.com

Our agency offers quality pump and valve packing for all of your needs. We have the experience, knowledge, inventory and accessories to handle all of your compression packing requirements; from water, steam, gas, to tough voc/aqmd conformance standards.

Our inventories include flax, fiberglass, ceramic, carbon, graphite, w.l. gore fiber, acrylic, wire and metallic packing... From die-formed and cut rings to bulk spools, our agency can be your one source for all of your packing needs.

We represent teadit, rm/sepco, jm clipper and others. We have all of the packing tools (packing hooks, stuffing box spacers, start-up lubricant, cutting tools) and inventory to equip your maintenance department with their everyday needs.



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